I recently courtesy of my friend google, met the nicest young couple who have built a beautiful new home in our area. After speaking on the phone and setting up an appointment to meet one evening, we got in the car and at their request drove the the neighborhood of million plus homes to look at examples of good and not so good outdoor landscape lighting. With it being so close to Christmas I have to say I got to see some beautiful homes lit very nicely from some of the holiday lighting companies. My new friends evidently already had the local neighborhood handyman sprinkler installer who also does lights approach them and after viewing his work ,they decided they needed to call a actual outdoor landscape lighting designer. They talked about the too white ugly lights on a few homes where it seemed someone bought lights with whatever lamps they came with and stuck them under windows and created a nice horror movie look,spooky as the wife said. After our drive,I pulled out the battery pack and a few lights and with the husband walked around and looked at a few effects, we signed a contract that evening for their install and even ended up adding extra lights and will be doing more in several stages as the front is finished and the next phase in the back begins.I feel like we were brought together by a force bigger than us both and I am so fortunate to get to do what I love and enjoy for yet another beautiful home. Happy Holidays from Lite Visions.