October: October is halfway thru the month and it is getting dark earlier and earlier.
Every evening I am surprised at how early the sun goes down.
And these shorter days and longer nights lead to a big huge home security concern: lighting.
Seems every October we get more calls about outdoor lighting than last year because of the early darker evenings as people become concerned about getting home after it is already dark. The best remedy for this is outdoor lighting that works from dusk to dawn so you do not have to drive up to a dark home.
Lighting serves an important role in two different ways to help keep your home safe:
1) Inside, it deters burglars by giving the impression that someone is home.
2) Outside, it deters burglars by taking away hiding spots in the darkness.

Lite Visions will check for safety hazards. Check the lighting on stairs and walkways in particular. Are there any dark spots that would be safer with lighting? Is your yard clearly lit for any visitors who aren’t familiar with any hazards like your family may be? Can someone easily find their way from the garage to the house in the dark? Lite Visions will help find these areas and make plans to make it safer.
Call Lite Visions today for more information about your personalized outdoor lighting system to keep your home and family safe.

Lite Visions 919-518-9950