Professional outdoor landscape lighting is not cheap, and Cheap outdoor landscape lighting is not good.
I work with an interior designer who says “Do it right and you only cry once”. My outdoor lighting designs include seeing the effects not the light source.I work with many different types of fixtures, lamps,color temperatures,filters and shields. Along with Professional lighting that lasts a very long time.
Examples of a few BAD lighting installations Lite Visions took out and redid for the homeowners.
Big box store lighting kits are JUNK,come with horrible non water tight connectors that pierce your wire which is the worst thing to do.They come with poor lighting fixtures that start falling apart and come with a not good transformer.
old transformer old cheap lighting 3 yr old cheap fixture cheap light fixture that can’t hardly be relamped what happens to your wiring if connectors are not properly connected old kit lighting indoor wire nuts used in outdoor lighting systems the dreaded bad connection which lets moisture in lighting kit junk old bad kit lighting
Maintenance is a must,I can’t tell you how many old installs I get called to look at where a fixture or cable has grown into a tree.Old wires and bad connections that do no longer provide proper voltage to the lights.

Lite Visions, when you want it done right the first time Call Us.