Protect Your Home and Yourself with Landscape Lighting :Brightening your lot at nighttime is a way to reduce the chances of dangerous falls and dissuade criminals. Learn why landscape lighting brings not only beauty, but also safety to your property.

ILLUMINATE MORE THAN YOUR FRONT DOOR While 81% of burglaries happen on the first floor, only 34% involve the front entrance, according to the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors. That’s why you should illuminate more than just the main entrance of your property. Use landscape lighting to brighten doors and windows on all sides of your home, making it easier to monitor criminal behavior. Strategically placed accent lighting or perimeter lighting will also remove those dark corners of your yard.
BALANCE THE GLARE OF STREET LAMPS Picture a scene with bright light in the foreground, but none in the background. Your eyes adapt to the light in front, making it tricky to see what’s beyond that light. That’s the unintentional problem created by street lamps and the reason some call them criminal-friendly. By contrast, landscape lighting brings balance to what you and neighbors can see from the street, making it easier to keep an eye on all areas of your property.
SEND A STRONG SIGNAL OF A WELL-WATCHED SPACE Landscape lighting is a clear statement that you care about your property. Like other property upgrades, it sends a signal that University of Washington researchers have called “implied surveillance.” You’re someone who pays close attention to your home. Dreaded burglars would be fools to mess with someone so smart and aware.
BE SAFE OUT THERE – MOST FALLS OCCUR OUTDOORS As the National Institutes of Health points out, outdoor falls made up 72% of total spills among middle-aged men and 58% for middle-aged women. If you want to make your property safe for all ages, brighten your walkways with landscape lighting to keep everyone upright.
MOST FALLS DO NOT INVOLVE RISKY BEHAVIOR Among all ages, the most frequent activity at the time of a fall is walking, which accounted for 47% of outdoor falls in a National Institutes of Health study. Steering clear of risky activities can’t spare you from a possible slip. Illuminating your outdoor walking paths will help.

(C) Kichler Landscape Lighting