There are many old halogen systems that are in need of a landscape lighting led retrofit. A lot of these outdoor lighting systems are in dire need of maintenance from having the wrong color temperature bulbs that either the homeowner or someone else installed to just some of the lights not working at all to the lights are just falling apart or have bad/old wiring to the plant material being 3 times larger and way outgrown the original lighting plan. I see this in the evenings when I ride thru some of the older neighborhoods like Wakefield, Bedford,Weston,Preston when leaving a new outdoor lighting installation and driving the the neighborhoods at night. These things happened over a long time due to either poor maintenance or lack of any maintenance. Maintenance on the outdoor landscape lighting would have included re-positioning lights as plants grew along with cleaning fixtures and checking lights and timers bi annually to keep your outdoor landscape lighting looking like new always. Contact Lite Visions today to get your old outdoor lighting system looking like new once again.

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