Artist Definition

Artist,Definition :Someone who has creative skills and is able to see and create things others can not even imagine could be there.Weather on a stage setting or on a beautiful property or a homes architectural features. As an artist who patients with illumination,I look at the big picture of creating a painting with light that can be viewed from different angles as well as from inside looking out the window.

artist definition: someone who sees things that aren't yet theremagical outdoor landscape lighting
looking out my window at my landscape lighting
alt="creating beautiful shadows with landscape lighting in Raleigh NC"
creating a safe walkway with landscape lighting
Less lumens is usually more with landscape lighting
Sometimes it’s hard to convince a person more than one light fixture per object might be needed to create the magic. They only know what they have seen prior, weather it was right or wrong.
Imagine telling an artist painting a beautiful photo to use less colors or brushstrokes.
Thankfully most of our clients understand what we do and usually give us free reign to create our art with illumination.
Using more fixtures on a tree or other object gives us the artistic freedom to properly illuminate it from all sides and create a lower lumen level and equally allow it to be viewed 3 dimensional, not just one sided.
The world is not flat and neither should your landscape lighting be flat and one sided.
See our google reviews and photos to see what makes us different, with over 30 years in the concert and theatrical lighting world.
At Lite Visions Landscape Lighting ,We understand lighting design.
One of our landscape lighting friends in the Los Angeles Ca area who does amazing work