When I started Lite Visions landscape lighting I decided to add value and take myself over the top by giving a warranty along with the Manufactures warranty, adding Value To Your Outdoor Landscape Lighting.
I also give a FREE Bi-Annual maintenance agreement as well. I do this simply to show my gratitude for my customers and I want to help keep their outdoor landscape lighting system looking 100% always.
Coming from my music and touring lighting background. I feel confident in my skills as a lighting technician and lighting designer, as well as the outdoor lighting fixtures and installation methods I choose. I back our systems with the best warranty and FREE Annual service contract in the Raleigh area! It’s not about the sale for me, it’s about my passion for painting a picture with lighting as well as providing a stunning lighting design for our clients for years to come. Building Value in our outdoor landscape lighting design and installations at Lite Visions Landscape Lighting in Raleigh.
I want you to tell all your friends & neighbors about us!
Most of my outdoor landscape lighting business is word of mouth referrals from friends and neighbors who saw your night time demo or outdoor landscape lighting system.
From cleaning your outdoor lighting fixtures, adjusting them due to growth or simply cutting a few small branches that are in front of a light fixture, I always want your outdoor landscape lighting to look 100%

From Concerts to Gardens: The Evolution of a Landscape Lighting Design Expert who paints with illumination (litevisions.com)