After one of our lighting customers explained why they wanted outdoor lighting around their backyard patio deck and pool area more than ever right now it made total sense.
She said,We had a vacation planned and now can not go so we are going to turn our backyard and pool into our own resort to enjoy since we have to stay at home. Being home with family and enjoying that time in our own backyard.
outdoor landscape lighting jobs by Lite Visions Landscape Lighting
Let Lite Visions Landscape Lighting help create your own private oasis to enjoy with your family
Senior citizen,Military and First Responder discounts
Going from concert lighting to landscape lighting was an easy transition for me coming from many years in the concert lighting industry. One of the concert lighting companies I worked with in the mid 90s was Bandit Lights in Nashville. Bandit had a rich history and I had been calling and sending in a resume for a few years. In 1993 as I was just starting a huge tour I called home from my Miami hotel suite to check in with my mom and had a message from a friend at Bandit,he said call they want you to come in and talk about a tour.I went to Knoxville and spoke with the owner and soon went out on the first tour with Dan Fogelberg as the lighting technician. That tour ended and I got a call back in NC could I go out and do a Christmas tour with the Oak Ridge Boys. The Oak Ridge Boys,Brenda Lee and Alvin and the Chipmunks. A little after Christmas I got a call asking if I would thing about relocating to Nashville to work on a tour with a new country artist Alan Jackson on his first headline tour. Nashville turned out to be a nice place and you run into so many artists while at the Kroger shopping. We did a songwriter award show at the Ryman auditorium and not being so country music aware,a nice gentleman came back by my dimmer area side stage and asked if he could sit back there with me . a few minutes later my boss from Bandit called me on the headset and said,Joe how do you know Vince Gill 🙂
I did a few weekend gigs with our account at the time WWF wrestling which carried a huge lighting production,I have to say there is nothing more humorous than fogging up the Undertakers coffin so another wrestler could break it up with an axe during a backstage cutaway scene. WWF was sure alot of fun and alof of frequent flyer miles.
Probably my most memorable tours were with Billy Ray Cyrus who we got to see go from headlining arenas to going down to just one truck to playing casinos. The other side of the coin was being a part of a country tour where Tim Mcgraw was opening for Little Texas with Blackhawk opening,seemed like overnight don’t take the girl came out we did a video shoot and bam suddenly people knew the words and sang it louder than Tim did,we watched Tim turn into the headline act and it could have not happened to a nicer guy.
When I started Lite Visions landscape lighting I decided to add value and take myself over the top by giving a warranty along with the Manufactures warranty, adding Value To Your Outdoor Landscape Lighting.
I also give a FREE Bi-Annual maintenance agreement as well. I do this simply to show my gratitude for my customers and I want to help keep their outdoor landscape lighting system looking 100% always.
Coming from my music and touring lighting background. I feel confident in my skills as a lighting technician and lighting designer, as well as the outdoor lighting fixtures and installation methods I choose. I back our systems with the best warranty and FREE Annual service contract in the Raleigh area! It’s not about the sale for me, it’s about my passion for painting a picture with lighting as well as providing a stunning lighting design for our clients for years to come. Building Value in our outdoor landscape lighting design and installations at Lite Visions Landscape Lighting in Raleigh.
I want you to tell all your friends & neighbors about us!
Most of my outdoor landscape lighting business is word of mouth referrals from friends and neighbors who saw your night time demo or outdoor landscape lighting system.
From cleaning your outdoor lighting fixtures, adjusting them due to growth or simply cutting a few small branches that are in front of a light fixture, I always want your outdoor landscape lighting to look 100%
outdoor landscape lighting projects by lite visions landscape lighting Raleigh NC
Working with an outdoor landscape lighting designer in Raleigh NC,
At Lite Visions Landscape Lighting we work with Triangle area homeowners to determine how you enjoy your outdoor space, particular features or a structure that you would like to highlight. What you like most about your homes architecture, specific trees or plant you like. A walkway or path you would enjoy or use more if it was illuminated. A favorite pond or water feature. Features you love most in your outdoor kitchen or along your hardscaping.
Accent outdoor lighting gently grazing the surface of the stone, stucco, and brick will add depth and dimension your home’s architecture as well as showing the features
Adding outdoor lighting to such things as an arbor, fence a statue or structure and trees will give you a dramatic and attention-getting visual lighting effect, creating a lighting scene with a backdrop as well as mimicking moonlights natural effects.
Water Feature Outdoor lighting:
Illuminating a water feature, pond or pool combines 2 effects, you might have some trees or plantings near the water that will look interesting with up lighting. You also get stunning mirrored images on the water’s surface, creating dreamlike effects rippling across the water’s surface.
Add outdoor lighting and illuminate a bridge over a water feature to highlight it’s features and create safety
Adding path or walkway outdoor lighting will create a sense of security along stone pathways and lawn walkways as well as adding a hint of intrigue to plant beds and boulders along the way.
softly lighting path and homes architecture with good lighting placement
Adding down lighting with lights placed up in trees shining thru the trees creates stunning shadows on the ground below mimicking moonlighting effects.
Patio and deck outdoor lighting will feature and accentuate all of the architecture, beauty and detail of your deck, patio, outdoor kitchen, hand railings, steps and more while creating safety.
Call Lite Visions Outdoor Landscape Lighting Today 919-518-9950
Here are a few photos from recent nighttime outdoor lighting installs where we created a backdrop with landscape lighting to the property in the evening as well as outlining the changes in elevation.
This outdoor lighting will not only create safety and security for the Raleigh homeowner, but will also give them some nice soft outdoor lighting to be able to enjoy sitting out in the backyard into the evening hours without having the floodlights light up the yard too brightly.
Call Us Today 919-518-9950 to see your yard and home in a whole new light.
Light Visions Outdoor Lighting and Landscape Lighting Raleigh NC
Here are a few photos sent by clients last evening of their beautiful outdoor landscape lighting in the snow. Doesn’t it look amazing ?Landscape lighting not only provides safety and security but also beauty in our rare snows in Raleigh NC.
Contact Lite Visions today to see how amazing your home and patio can look into the evening hours
Photos of the lower patio area with brick columns before outdoor lighting.
Night time demo with only 2 different lighting fixtures to demonstrate how the architectural lighting would work and create 3 distinct lighting effects.
Yes that’s right
3 separate architectural lighting effects, by mounting the lights as high as possible on the columns resulting in an accent effect on the architecture of the brick column.
You also get a nice soft pool of light on the concrete patio area below the column.
The soft pool of light on the concrete reflects itself back up onto the soffits and ceiling panels above to give you a beautiful soft light effect all over the patio area.
This also created some much need security lighting around the back patio area under the homes lower level.
Now isn’t this a much nicer soft lighting effect than a security flood light or spotlight blinding you out on the patio? Enjoy your outdoor patio area in the evening hours with Lite Visions Landscape Lighting’s expert help.
Call us Today 919-518-9950 Lite Visions Outdoor Lighting and Landscape Lighting Professionals Raleigh NC
When I started Lite Visions landscape lighting, I decided to take myself over the top by giving a 1 year warranty along with the Manufactures warranty adding Value To Your Outdoor Lighting.
I also give a 1 year FREE Bi-Annual maintenance agreement as well. I do this simply to show my gratitude for my customers and I want to help keep their lighting system looking 100% always.
Coming from my music and touring background. I feel confident in my skills as a lighting technician and lighting designer, as well as lighting fixtures and installation methods I choose. I back our systems with the best warranty and FREE 1 Year Annual year service contract in the Raleigh area! It’s not about the sale, it’s about providing a stunning lighting design for our clients for years to come. Building Value in our outdoor landscape lighting design and installations
I want you to tell your friends & neighbors about us!
Most of my outdoor landscape lighting business is word of mouth referrals from friends and neighbors who saw your night time demo or outdoor lighting system.
From cleaning your outdoor lighting fixtures, adjusting them due to growth or simply cutting a few small branches that are in front of a light fixture, I always want your outdoor lighting to look 100%
outdoor landscape lighting projects by lite visions landscape lighting Raleigh NC
Joe Yanulevich and Lite Visions outdoor landscapoe lighting have experience in lighting since Joe worked with his first band in 1979 as a lighting technician and lighting designer.
Joe has worked as a lighting technician and lighting designer with many local,regional as well as national arena concert acts in his long lighting career spanning all types of music from rhythm and blues to country to rock and roll.
From working with North Carolina’s own Embers,Nantucket and GlassMoon to working with Kool and the Gang ,Tim Mcgraw,Alan Jackson, Dan Fogelburg to Whitney Houston and the Christmas sensation The Trans Siberian Orchestra.
Joe and Lite Visions outdoor Landscape Lighting are ready to help you bring your outdoor fantasy to life with resort style outdoor lighting for your homes exterior and yard.