My decision to open an outdoor lighting design firm came naturally to me,coming from a concert lighting design background for many years.
I worked with bands from local area bands to arena acts from Kool and the Gang, to Whitney Houston to Tim Mcgraw, Alan Jackson and many more concert acts to the Christmas sensation the Trans Siberian Orchestra as a lighting technician.
a few memories from my many years of touring in the music industry
As a lighting design professional we take pride in painting a scene with our outdoor lighting designs.
Here are a few photos from nighttime outdoor lighting installs where we created a backdrop to the property in the evening as well as outlining the changes in elevation with beautiful outdoor landscape lighting.
This outdoor lighting will not only create safety and security for the homeowner, but will also give them some nice soft outdoor lighting to be able to enjoy sitting out in the backyard into the evening hours without having the floodlights light up the yard too brightly.
Call Us Today 919-518-9950 to see your yard and home in a whole new light.
Light Visions Outdoor Lighting and Landscape Lighting Raleigh NC
Security lighting should provide security by discouraging trespassers. A well-lit home is less likely to be broken into.
Outdoor landscape lighting adds beauty and dimension to a home. Lighting is also an integral part of an effective home security system. Outdoor security lighting discourages would-be intruders from targeting your home by increasing the risk of being caught. The best lighting design allows physical detection and facial recognition minimizes hiding spots and increases your sense of safety.
You don’t have to light your home like a football field to feel safe. Over-illumination with floodlights pointed all over can draw unwanted attention to valuable items in your home or business and can cause light pollution. In this guide, we offer an overview of security lighting and simple tips to help you identify potential safety and security risks, select the best security lights, and determine their placement to ensure your safety and security.
A 2007 Washington Post article found burglars search for homes that appear to be unoccupied. Lighting adds an element of surprise and establishes an occupancy pattern that deters intruders from targeting a home in the first place. Residents that use outdoor lighting as part of their security plan significantly decrease their chances of being burglarized.
The Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) further explains that good security lighting anticipates potential threats and predators, and increases the means necessary to commit a crime, discouraging would-be criminals from breaking into a home. This security approach is known as target hardening. In other words, the longer it takes to plan and execute a break in, the less likely criminals are to target that home. According to the IES, home security lighting must have the following aims:
Provide a clear view of the area; including people and objects such as fences, walls and barriers
Allow facial recognition at a minimum distance of 30 feet
Make tasks such as finding your keys, retrieving the mail, or walking the dog easier and safer
Help people avoid criminal threats and/or defend themselves when a threat is perceived
Enhance your sense of safety when spending time outdoors
Call us Today 919-518-9950 Lite Visions Outdoor Lighting and Landscape Lighting Professionals Raleigh NC
Beautiful landscaping, a backyard patio area, and a water feature already highlight your backyard space. Perhaps even a walled privacy fence with some beautiful plant material in front of it. Could life be any better?The answer is yes, with outdoor landscape lighting you cannot only enjoy that area into the evening hours, but with the right lighting, you can create your own personal backyard escape.Imagine walking down your newly illuminated pathway with a glass of wine enjoying the moonlit effect heading down to the softly lit gazebo to chill out and listen to the crickets and frogs singing beside the now artfully highlighted bridge over your water feature.You sit back, enjoy your glass of wine and ask yourself why you did not do this eight years ago. Life is good in your new private backyard escape.
One of the fastest and easiest ways to boost your curb appeal and show off the beauty of your Raleigh NC home is to add outdoor lighting in the areas that will provide maximum impact. By highlighting the best features of your home, not only you can be sure it looks its best, even after night falls; outdoor lighting can also be used to show off the other investments you’ve made to improve your curb appeal.
Taking the time to properly light the exterior of your home can showcase your home and call attention to the features you love most, without making expensive changes to the structure of your home or yard.
Some of the changes you make to the exterior of your home won’t even be visible after dark unless you highlight them with your lighting choices. outdoor lighting is one of the least expensive ways to boost curb appeal and makes a big impact on your home’s exterior. With lighting, you can pick out and highlight your home’s best features – while leaving those you’d prefer not to show off or that are in need of attention in the dark.
Home During the Daylight HoursSame home with Outdoor Lighting providing Safety & Security
The landscape, garden, even that beautiful statue or water feature will shine after dark if you highlight them with the right lighting. Exterior lighting enhances all the other improvements you’ve made and improves your home’s appeal, even after dark. By highlighting your improvements with up lighting,tree lighting and other lighting effects, you can be sure you get the most from your curb appeal investment.
An investment in outdoor lighting does more than just make your home look great; by illuminating your lawn and yard you make your home a less appealing target to potential burglars and those possibly wishing to do you harm.
Lighting up the areas around windows and doorways and walkways can and will enhance the look of your home and boost your security as well.
Outdoor lighting is about more than crime prevention; by using lights to illuminate walkways and paths, you make your yard safe and easy to navigate. Your family and guests will appreciate being able to navigate the yard and reach your home without safely in the evenings.
Whether you want to enhance your curb appeal, show off the unique features of your yard and home or improve your home’s safety, outdoor lighting can help. Call Lite Visions today at 919-518-9950 to find out how easy it is to make a lasting impression with the right outdoor lighting. We can help you decide what you need to showcase your home’s best features and to give you peace of mind about the safety and security of your home, too.
Outdoor lighting installed on bridge over water feature and walkway providing safety in the evenings.
Call us Today 919-518-9950 Lite Visions Outdoor Lighting and Landscape Lighting Professionals Raleigh NC
As a lighting designer I come from working in a creative field my whole life, I sometimes visualize things other people simply can’t. I feel I have been blessed with this gift.Years ago when I talked to my mom about a privacy fence in the backyard she just said no way. After it was installed, the first thing her and my sister said was WOW, we never really noticed the plant material in the yard. Yes, I said, do you know why?We simply took some material and created a backdrop for the plants that were already in place.We sometimes do the very same thing with outdoor landscape lighting. Why would you have beautiful landscaping or hardscaping that you paid good money for only to have it all disappear in the evening hours? By using several different lighting techniques we create depth and dimension and pull your eye away from looking into your neighbor’s yard. Have you ever noticed a home with all the lights on inside? If your home has outdoor lighting, peoples eyes are pulled away from the inside lights when they see your home with outdoor landscape lighting. Let us create some outdoor evening ambience for you to enjoy tonight..